Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Deja asks you-" Who wants to be Cute Like Me?"

I have to admit, I am jealous. I entered a giveaway awhile back for a name bracelet and she won! Well, actually I did-but the prize was for her, lol.

Ever since she was a little baby I have always wanted to get her a name bracelet, but just never got around to doing it. Something always came up, and by the time I was ready to buy one she had grown up! But better late than never I say, and so when I noticed a website online called Cute Like Me and saw that they had name bracelets which fit older kids, I was very happy. She and I got online and looked for her favorite bracelet, and there was so much to choose from! She ended up choosing the Kati style from the Signature Line of Baby Name Bracelets.

In addition to name bracelets, they have lots of other items as well: onesies, GORGEOUS baby wipes containers, hair bows, clippies and cute little bow holders too. I saw plenty of nice things I added to my wish list when I visited the site, and I am sure you will find lots of great items too.

When the bracelet came, Deja was visiting her grandmother. Since she was spending the night there, I brought the package over to her and let her open it. "Oooh, pretty!" were her first words, and she seemed VERY thrilled to see HER name on the bracelet. Deja is 7 now, and I was concerned it might not fit her. But not to worry, it fits her perfectly and still has a ways to go-so she could be wearing it for a few more years too! One thing I noticed when I put it on her was how heavy and well made it is. Grandma immediately told Deja that was "one of her best pieces of jewelry" and that she needed to care for it properly. My mom was hesitant to let her wear it to school because she thought it was so nice some other child would steal it from her! (yes, that happens-a couple of her clippies and Paknaks have been taken by other kids while she was at childcare-they even took HER library book and made ME pay for it because they never returned it, guess they felt if it wasn't signed out to THEM they didn't have to return it to school!)

Irregardless, I let her wear it the next day and she was thrilled when her little friends Evan and Gavin told her how pretty it was. Heck, boys are noticing this already! Mikayla, Callette and Ellie also let out a girly squeal and gushed over Deja's new treasure. Because of the "theft" factor, I don't let her wear it every day-but she wears it about once a week & wants to wear it to the special Father-Daughter dance next year around Valentine's Day. I want to send out a big THANK you to the lovely owners of Cute Like Me for giving Deja such a wonderful gift and keepsake. Check out all their wonderful offerings too, they just might have something for your special little one!


Megan said...

Thanks so much for sharing. I'm so glad that you and Deja like the bracelet so much. Thanks again!


Leslie M. said...

This is very very cute!! What a great gift!!!
NICE in deedy!!!


CanCan (MomMostTraveled) said...

That is so beautiful; shame on those kids at daycare who steal stuff from your baby!