The weather here in Maine lately has been wet, rainy and miserable. I seriously began questioning whether summer would actually arrive this year-so imagine my surprise when the past couple of days have been hot, humid and full of sunshine.
Today of course, is another dreary day-we're expecting showers and its a bit cooler now that a cold front has gone through. Thursday night was actually the worst, sleeping was hard to do in a stuffy house and not to mention a nice, loud thunderstorm decided to head our way just as I was starting to doze off. Have you ever felt like a thunderstorm was directly over your house? With this one I did, the thunder was so loud and the lightning so bright-even hubby was a bit freaked out by it. My daughter and son both slept through the whole thing. I, on the other hand, was wide awake. So were the cats, who made their presence known by meowing loudly and jumping in bed with me.
Back to today, it's a bit cooler and the sun is peeking through the clouds. I've got a hair appointment at 1:30 and hope to decrease 10 years off my age by having my highlights done. Wishful thinking, right?
Deja decided to try out her Crayola goodies that we had won about a month ago. She'd been bugging me for the longest time, but with all that wet weather it just didn't make any sense to create a design that would be gone five minutes later. She enjoyed the Crayola rake-it's so easy, the chalk goes in it, you bend over and draw. She made several nice designs that graced my front walkway these past few days-I even caught the mailman checking them out as he came to deliver our mail yesterday. Her older brother Demetrio even decided to get into the act that evening. She'd left the rake in the hallway near our shoes and he picked it up and was wanting to rake some color down our hall carpet. After I threatened his allowance for the next few months, he decided his sister was an easier target-and raked the back of her new Jonas Brothers pajamas Grandma had given her earlier that day. You'd think with 9 years difference between them, there wouldn't be any sibling bickering, but oh yes there is! He loves to aggravate his little sister, and she loves being the victim. Oh, here is a tidbit for you-the stripes he left on her back from the colored chalk DO NOT come off in the wash. I think I used half of the bottle of Spray & Wash and even though the marks weren't as dark as before, they don't disappear completely. Just an FYI for you not to put them in their Sunday Best and let them create with Crayola. :)
Well, off to the fountain of youth! (going to get my hair done) Gotta leave this house, hubby is ripping up the hallway carpeting (no, my son did not rake it with the Crayola rake!) and the dust and dirt flying around is going to set me off if I don't get some fresh air. (Reminder to self: Go to CVS and get more Claritin-the pollen count is high already here and now the inside air is contaminated too!)
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