We love our Land's End heated throw-it's been years since I have had any type of electric blanket, but they sure have come a long way since then.
I love the fact that it is so soft, and you can't even feel the wires because they are so tiny! Another thing, there is no static electricity at all. No grungy looking lint nubs or cat hairs attracted to it like many other blankets I have had that go from looking new to looking gross within days. We've been using it for about 2 months now, and hubby comes home from work, goes into the living room, turns it on and promptly falls asleep. Yup, I'm feeling a bit neglected so it looks like I will need to get one for our bed too ;)
We live in an older, Saltbox style home. There is no heat source for upstairs since it is forced hot air heat. I really need new windows upstairs, but until I can get them one way my teen son can stay warm is with one of these heated blankets/throws. Last week he was curious and went to try it out on the sofa. He called me at work and told me that he wanted one for his bed, so it looks like I will be getting him one in the future. Right now, he and hubby are fighting over sofa time under the heated throw.
Land's End has many great products, and they have been around for ages. While I haven't washed the throw yet, I expect it to have the same durable quality that I have come to know with Land's End. I wanted to wash it last month, but hubby won't part with it long enough to let me wash it. Besides, it doesn't even look dirty, despite the light color-which is a real plus in my book. I love the fact that you can save up to 10% on heating costs using this throw, heating oil is so darn expensive and will continue to climb in the future. Geez, I can remember when heating oil was under a buck a gallon, those days are now long gone...
Another important factor is that there is an automatic shutoff, great if you forget you left it on and then head into bed-trust me, hubby has done that once or twice. Plus, it is a nice safety feature to have. Right now they have the throws on sale for $89.50 which may seem a bit expensive at first, but after you factor in the heating savings and low electricity usage you really are getting a bargain over time. Check out the throws here: http://www.landsend.com/ix/index.html?store=le&action=newSearch&search=heated+throw&imageField.x=33&imageField.y=6
We love our Land's End AntiStatic Heated throw, and send out a big thank you to them for sponsoring a giveaway earlier this year on another blog-I was lucky enough to have won it and got this really neat eggshell colored throw which helped keep us warm (mostly hubby tho'!) during a cold Maine winter. I will definitely be ordering more for next winter for the kids and myself.
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