I spent a lazy weekend with the grandkids and hubby watching TV and relaxing-and amazingly staying off the computer lol. I managed to get some much needed sleep over the weekend-turning 45 this past January has made me realize that a mid-afternoon cat nap is not a bad thing after all.
Even Deja thinks her mommy is old-she says when I drop her off at child care her friends whisper "Is THAT your mommy or your grandma?" Considering most of these kids have parents in their 20's and early 30's, I guess I do look pretty ancient, lol.
Look at my son and his girlfriend-TWO kids and they are only 16 and 18 themselves. Yikes, what ever happened to the teenage years? I often wonder if they will regret starting their family so young, I know if it were me, I honestly don't think I could have handled the responsibility as well as those two have. At least, now, his girlfriend is emancipated from her family and is getting her life in order.
Irregardless, I love, love, love the grandsons! Cannot wait until layoff to take them out in the nicer weather and do all sorts of fun things with them. Although they live with their parents, we see them often and help out when we can so that mom and dad get a break and can be teenagers for a little while.
I see so many teens having children, lots of teens in my neighborhood are pushing a baby carriage around the block, or stopping off at the park to play with their little ones. I often wonder if sometime these young mothers and fathers know what they are getting themselves into. I know a few of my sons friends are teen dads, and his girlfriend has more than a few friends who are new moms or pregnant moms to be. While my son has not continued on with his schooling, his girlfriend has, and is currently on the honor roll. I honestly hope that one day, when things settle down a bit-my son will graduate. I have to admit, last year he would have graduated and I was a bit nostalgic seeing his former classmates in their caps and gowns on Facebook.
Hoping for another lazy weekend relaxing soon-time goes by way too fast, and before you know it the moments spent with children and grandchildren are over as they grow up and form families of their own. For now, I am making the most of the moments I DO have and loving every minute of it!
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